Guiding churches
to reach zero GHG
Church of the Incarnation, Oakville, uses geothermal heating and cooling.
We are dedicated
to taking action
to reduce the greenhouse gases
church buildings emit.
Most Canadians see the need for action.
Together, we can make a big difference!
Together, we can be good stewards of God’s creation.
Together, we CAN avoid half-measures, and set a good direction so that every dollar we spend reduces our pollution and saves us money over the long term.
Read more about why this is so important.
How will we do it?
A sermon for the Last Sunday of Creation, introducing the Net Zero project. Pour la visualiser en français, suivez ce lien.
A Collect to Pray Together:
Creator of the fruitful earth, you made us stewards of all things.
Give us grateful hearts for all your goodness, and steadfast wills to use your bounty well,
that the whole human family, today and in generations to come,
may with us give thanks for the riches of your creation. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord.
Collect for Harvest Thanksgiving, from the Anglican Book of Alternative Services, p. 396.
By advising leaders of congregations and dioceses/regional groupings
Two ways:
Stop buildings from producing GHGs (change the mechanical systems)
Reduce Energy Use (and Costs!) (improve the building envelope)
Note: There are many other sources of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in congregational life (daily and weekly travel, food, landscaping practices, conference spending, etc.), but for now we are focusing on building operation as a major source of pollution from Canadian congregations.
By creating safe and simple plans for becoming Net Zero
Proven technologies
Known approximate costs
Trusted contractors and equipment
Identified funding sources
Lobbying to get better funding
Holy Trinity, Ste-Agathe uses separate air source heat pumps for the hall and the church.
By educating leaders and members
There are reliable options for every church’s situation. We are gathering the experts to provide the guidance you need for the different kinds of churches in Canada. Then we help you share the knowledge with your members so that they can also make changes and can encourage their neighbours to join them in the battle against the climate emergency.
New group aims to erase Anglican churches’ ‘huge’ carbon emissions
Humber students conduct energy audit on Oakville church looking to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions
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