How do I get started?
Each grouping of churches (diocese or other) has people who want to make changes in response to the climate crisis. Together, we can empower them. With their help, we can lead the change!
(Do you want to get involved as an educational institution or institutional partner? We’d love to talk about that.)
Our premise: Your regional grouping (diocese, other) in your context
We will equip you and learn from you and your local resources, in your climate zone, with your energy resources and your provincial and municipal supports. The whole country will benefit from the initiatives you will take.
What do I need?
A Coordinator: Someone with a passion to make this happen for 5-10 hours per week. They will invite congregations into the process, and find local training colleges and local experts. We will show them how!
A Building Assessment Review Person: Someone to read through the Building Assessments as they are submitted, and compare them to the Energy Audits, helping to see trends and fill in missing information. (1-3 hours per week, some building familiarity is a help).
Diocesan Green Team: Two to five people to recommend diocesan policies and best practices.
Where do I start?
Mandate: Ideally, you ask for support, permission or encouragement from your bishop, diocesan executive officer, or Environmental Justice Committee. Then you pull together your team.
Find Interested Congregations: This isn’t very hard, and usually your first congregations will provide you with the core of your team. Try the process out on your own buildings first, of course!
Share Learnings: We’ll pool our learnings with you, and you will share them with your interested congregations and your diocesan leaders. And of course, what we learn together with you will benefit others!
Already we are watching
regional leaders
guide congregations skilfully
based on
what we have learned and shared.
Ready to start?
Are you the first to express interest from your diocese, region, training institution or industry group? Contact us to discuss joining or to volunteer your services.
Is your region/diocese, or institution already involved? Use the link on the Participants page to contact them directly and follow their guidance.