Zero Emission Certification Levels and their Meanings
“Zero Emissions Buildings Program” (ZEB); in a jurisdiction with 99%+ green electricity:
Gold (heating, cooling, domestic hot water and cooking is all electric)
Silver (domestic hot water or cooking equipment uses fossil fuels)
Bronze (domestic hot water and cooking equipment uses fossil fuels)
“This Building is Zero Emission-Ready” (ZEB-R); in a jurisdiction with partially-fossil-fuel-generated electricity:
Gold (heating, cooling, domestic hot water and cooking is all electric)
Silver (domestic hot water or cooking equipment uses fossil fuels)
Bronze (domestic hot water and cooking equipment uses fossil fuels)
This is aimed at building operation only
Not at building construction or renovation
Not at the activities within the building or by its members (composting, travel, recycling, communications, education, lobbying, etc).
This is not a measure of energy efficiency or conservation.
This certification can be awarded to any building (church, office, home, apartment, garage) that has a heating or a cooling system for the space, for water or for cooking
We require that the heating, cooling, hot water and cooking systems be electrified or community-based/shared from a GHG-free (99%) source.
Limit cases:
Wood heat: Accepted for ZEB or ZEB-R if harvested using electric tools and electric vehicles.
Fossil-fuel backup systems: accepted if total energy (in MBTUs or kWh) is below 1% of the total electricity use of the building.
This is un-verified, and is based on self-reports of energy consumption from energy bills
A minimum of two years of energy data is required to receive certification
Status as “-Ready” is provided for those jurisdictions whose electricity is not 99% free of GHG pollution.
It is possible to qualify for ZEB status in such a jurisdiction with:
Solar production at an annual net zero rate (within 10%), or
Electricity purchased on contract from a Green provider (i.e. Bullfrog, other)
Where an organisation has multiple buildings, one certificate will be issued for each qualifying building
Cost: A generous donation to the Stewardship of the Environment Committee of the Anglican Diocese of Montréal is recommended
Ces certificats sont également disponibles en français
These certificates are also available with symbolism appropriate for Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs and others.